Publishing/Artistic Courses

The Art of Well Being: Connection,Community, and Immunity to Chaos

The Art of Well Being: Connection,Community, and Immunity to Chaos a

Decolonizing Practice - 7 modules

  • Somatic knowing
  • The Responsibility of Stories
  • Meet your Ancestors
  • What is Love
  • Creating Time
  • Community
  • Communion with life

The heart is never far from what matters…(Pelias, 2004, p.7)

This course was designed for academic women dealing with overwhelm and anxiety.  The lessons are filled with art making processes that invite forward movement in career goals and academics in a gentle yet committed practice of daily action.

Cost: 499.00 CND

Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded.

Special bonus:

When you purchase two courses get a free signed copy of my book
Flesh Mapping Cartography of Struggle Renewal and Hope in Education

Additional bonus of studying with me include daily practice and hacks:

  • A daily practice to activate your inner WILD Self in 30 Days!
  • Guidance in shifting the beliefs that that have colonized, domesticated, controlled, and limited your creative power. Stop missing out on the greatest JOYS in life!
  • Purchase Course Now

Wild Hearts See with the Super sensual Eyes of Soul

Wild Hearts See with the Super sensual Eyes of Soul

7 Modules

  • Living from Joy
  • Compassion
  • Humility
  • Respect
  • Love is a verb
  • Listening to the senses
  • Wild Gardens in your heart


This course is an experiential art inquiry. We explore why and  how the daily routines we practice create health or illness.  Cultivate a practice of completion, overcoming procrastination and overwhelm. Harness the superpower of intention to connect to creativity, attend to the spiritual nature of our beingness and attune to the cycles of life, and meet the challenges of the contexts we live in. Learn to attune to your own rhythm and vision of life in wild coexistence.

Cost: $499.00

Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded.

Special bonus: When you purchase two courses you get a signed copy of:
Flesh Mapping Cartography of Struggle Renewal and Hope in Education

Additional bonus of studying with me include daily practice and hacks:

  • A daily practice to activate your inner WILD Self in 30 Days!
  • Guidance in shifting the beliefs that that have colonized, domesticated, controlled, and limited your creative power. Stop missing out on the greatest JOYS in life!

Purchase Now 

See What People are Saying

The true difference between attaining information versus real learning becomes clear after attending Sylvia’s workshops. She creates a space that allows our creativity and vulnerability to be present with us.

My favourite part of Sylvia’s teaching is painting. She asks us questions to think about as we paint. Without realizing it, we are guided to express and acknowledge our inner most thoughts, that may have been hidden away by everyday life’s chaos.

In addition, she explains to us the biology and psychology behind why we feel, react or think in certain ways as humans, and teaches us techniques one how we create harmony amongst these thoughts and emotions. As an example, ever since practicing meditation and breathing techniques with Sylvia, I have learnt to manage my anxiety, which had been a major barrier to my success in school.

What she teaches, wether it be skills on how to be more productive, or ways of practicing self love, are lessons that will always be remembered. And this is something only a professional educator is able to do. It is an honour to learn from her.

Yasaman Vancouver, BC

Sylvia is a source of inspiration through her works of art, storytelling, and words of wisdom she has taught me the importance of embracing everyday life and how to cultivate our own unique seeds. I am so happy I had the opportunity to learn from her and I was able to use art as a way of connecting with myself and others. Thank you for providing me with the lens to see this world from another perspective, one which encourages self-blessing and the ability to grow.

Anosha Burnaby, BC

I just came across your very inspiring website and congratulate you for advancing the key idea that Another World is Possible. Bravo!

John Boston, MA

Flesh Mapping - A Brief Book synopsis

What can be learned from a story woven out of fragmented moments of joy, pain, horror, and blissful awareness? Flesh Mapping is an attempt to create a pedagogy of shared narrative, place, and politics; to narratively map the injuries of the material, emotional, and spiritual impact of poverty, displacement, hunger and war on an individual life.

The book is an invitation to instructors in education, anthropology, women’s studies, and labor studies to re-imagine education as the praxis for liberation, renewal, and hope. It serves as a process of naming the injuries inflicted on real bodies by privilege and power, like sites on a map. The goal is not simply to name and make visible privilege but to simultaneously create emergent spaces of dissonance in education that can challenge and transform power at the site where the personal is political.

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